From KYNNpedia
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Chem2/doc
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {} -- module's table -- Elements with wiki links local am = { H = "Hydrogen", He = "Helium", Li = "Lithium", Be = "Beryllium", B = "Boron", C = "Carbon", N = "Nitrogen", O = "Oxygen", F = "Fluorine", Ne = "Neon", Na = "Sodium", Mg = "Magnesium", Al = "Aluminium", Si = "Silicon", P = "Phosphorus", S = "Sulfur", Cl = "Chlorine", Ar = "Argon", K = "Potassium", Ca = "Calcium", Sc = "Scandium", Ti = "Titanium", V = "Vanadium", Cr = "Chromium", Mn = "Manganese", Fe = "Iron", Co = "Cobalt", Ni = "Nickel", Cu = "Copper", Zn = "Zinc", Ga = "Gallium", Ge = "Germanium", As = "Arsenic", Se = "Selenium", Br = "Bromine", Kr = "Krypton", Rb = "Rubidium", Sr = "Strontium", Y = "Yttrium", Zr = "Zirconium", Nb = "Niobium", Mo = "Molybdenum", Tc = "Technetium", Ru = "Ruthenium", Rh = "Rhodium", Pd = "Palladium", Ag = "Silver", Cd = "Cadmium", In = "Indium", Sn = "Tin", Sb = "Antimony", Te = "Tellurium", I = "Iodine", Xe = "Xenon", Cs = "Caesium", Ba = "Barium", La = "Lanthanum", Ce = "Cerium", Pr = "Praseodymium", Nd = "Neodymium", Pm = "Promethium", Sm = "Samarium", Eu = "Europium", Gd = "Gadolinium", Tb = "Terbium", Dy = "Dysprosium", Ho = "Holmium", Er = "Erbium", Tm = "Thulium", Yb = "Ytterbium", Lu = "Lutetium", Hf = "Hafnium", Ta = "Tantalum", W = "Tungsten", Re = "Rhenium", Os = "Osmium", Ir = "Iridium", Pt = "Platinum", Au = "Gold", Hg = "Mercury (element)", Tl = "Thallium", Pb = "Lead", Bi = "Bismuth", Po = "Polonium", At = "Astatine", Rn = "Radon", Fr = "Francium", Ra = "Radium", Ac = "Actinium", Th = "Thorium", Pa = "Protactinium", U = "Uranium", Np = "Neptunium", Pu = "Plutonium", Am = "Americium", Cm = "Curium", Bk = "Berkelium", Cf = "Californium", Es = "Einsteinium", Fm = "Fermium", Md = "Mendelevium", No = "Nobelium", Lr = "Lawrencium", Rf = "Rutherfordium", Db = "Dubnium", Sg = "Seaborgium", Bh = "Bohrium", Hs = "Hassium", Mt = "Meitnerium", Ds = "Darmstadtium", Rg = "Roentgenium", Cp = "Copernicium", Nh = "Nihonium", Fl = "Flerovium", Mc = "Moscovium", Lv = "Livermorium", Ts = "Tennessine", Og = "Oganesson", -- Groups etc with element-like names Bn = 'Benzyl group', Bz = 'Benzoyl group', D = 'Deuterium', Et = 'Ethyl group', Ln = 'Lanthanide', Nu = 'Nucleophile', Ph = 'Phenyl group', R = 'Substituent', T = 'Tritium', Tf = 'Trifluoromethylsulfonyl group', X = 'Halogen', } -- Groups which are redirected from their normal target if wikilinked; never -- autolinked. local groups = { CH3 = 'Methyl group', CO3 = 'Carbonate', COOH = 'Carboxyl group', ClO = 'Hypochlorite', ClO2 = 'Chlorite', ClO3 = 'Chlorate', ClO4 = 'Perchlorate', H2O = 'Water of crystallization', H3O = 'Hydronium', NH2 = 'Amine group', NH4 = 'Ammonium', NO3 = 'Nitrate', PO3 = 'Phosphite', PO4 = 'Phosphate', SH = 'Thiol group', SO3 = 'Sulfite', SO4 = 'Sulfate', SeH = 'Selenol group' } local T_ELEM = 0 -- token types local T_NUM = 1 -- number local T_OPEN = 2 -- open '(' local T_CLOSE = 3 -- close ')' local T_PM_CHARGE = 4 -- + or − local T_WATER = 6 -- .xH2O x number local T_CRYSTAL = 9 -- .x local T_CHARGE = 8 -- charge (x+), (x-) local T_SUF_CHARGE = 10 -- suffix and charge e.g. 2+ from H2+ local T_SUF_CHARGE2 = 12 -- suffix and (charge) e.g. 2(2+) from He2(2+) local T_SPECIAL = 14 -- starting with \ e.g. \d for double bond (=) local T_SPECIAL2 = 16 -- starting with \y{x} e.g. \i{12} for isotope with mass number 12 local T_ARROW_R = 17 -- match: -> local T_ARROW_EQ = 18 -- match: <-> local T_UNDERSCORE = 19 -- _{ ... } local T_CARET = 20 -- ^{ ... } local T_LINKOPEN = 21 -- Opening of link, always like "[[target|" even if the source wasn't local T_NOCHANGE = 30 -- Anything else like ☃ function su(up, down) if up == "" then return ('<sub class="template-chem2-sub">%s</sub>'):format(down) end if down == "" then return ('<sup class="template-chem2-sup">%s</sup>'):format(up) end return ('<span class="template-chem2-su"><span>%s</span><span>%s</span></span>'):format(up, down) end function DotIt() return '·' end function item(f) -- (iterator) returns one token (type, value) at a time from the formula 'f' local i = 1 return function () local t, x = nil, nil if (i == 1) and f:match('^[0-9]', i) then x = f:match('^[%d.]+', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; i = i + x:len(); -- matching coefficient (need a space first) elseif i <= f:len() then x = f:match('^%s+[%d.]+', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; -- matching coefficient (need a space first) if not x then x = f:match('^%s[+]', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end -- matching + (H2O + H2O) if not x then x = f:match('^%&%#[%w%d]+%;', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end -- &#...; if not x then x = f:match('^%<%-%>', i); t = T_ARROW_EQ; end -- matching <-> if not x then x = f:match('^%-%>', i); t = T_ARROW_R; end -- matching -> if not x then x = f:match('^%u%l*', i); t = T_ELEM; end -- matching symbols like Aaaaa if not x then x = f:match('^%d+[+-]', i); t = T_SUF_CHARGE; end -- matching x+, x- if not x then x = f:match('^%d+%(%d*[+-]%)', i); t = T_SUF_CHARGE2; end -- matching x(y+/-), x(+/-) if not x then x = f:match('^%(%d*[+-]%)', i); t = T_CHARGE; end -- matching (x+) (xx+), (x-) (xx-) if not x then x = f:match('^[%d.]+', i); t = T_NUM; end -- matching number if not x and (f:match('^%[%[%[[^[]', i) or f:match('^%[[^[]', i)) then i = i + 1; return T_OPEN, '[' end -- escape [[[X or [X (relevant to auto-linking) if not x and f:sub(i, i + 1) == '[[' then x = f:match('^%[%[([^]|]*)', i) -- link target local len = x:len() + 3 x = '[[' .. (groups[x] or am[x] or x) .. '|' -- override link target for common groups if f:sub(len + i, len + i) == ']' then -- We're going to read the link twice, once as target and once as -- chemical markup, e.g. [[CH3]] => "[[CH3|", "CH3]]" i = i + 2 else i = i + len end return T_LINKOPEN, x end if not x then x = f:match('^[(|{|%[]', i); t = T_OPEN; end -- matching ({[ if not x then x = f:match('^[)|}|%]]', i); t = T_CLOSE; end -- matching )}] if not x then x = f:match('^[+-]', i); t = T_PM_CHARGE; end -- matching + or - if not x then x = f:match('^%*[%d.]*H2O', i); t = T_WATER; end -- Crystal water if not x then x = f:match('^%*[%d.]*', i); t = T_CRYSTAL; end -- Crystal if not x then x = f:match('^[\\].{%d+}', i); t = T_SPECIAL2; end -- \y{x} if not x then x = f:match('^[\\].', i); t = T_SPECIAL; end -- \x if not x then x = f:match('^_{[^}]*}', i); t = T_UNDERSCORE; end -- _{...} if not x then x = f:match('^^{[^}]*}', i); t = T_CARET; end -- ^{...} if not x then x = f:match('^.', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end --the rest - one by one if x then i = i + x:len(); else i = i + 999; error("Invalid character in formula! : "..f) end end return t, x end end function p._chem(args) local f = args[1] or '' f = mw.text.decode( f, true ) -- handle entity input (like −): decode right away f = string.gsub(f, "–", "-") -- replace – with - (hyphen not ndash) f = string.gsub(f, "−", "-") -- replace – with - (hyphen not minus sign) local formula = '' local t, x local link = args['link'] or "" local auto = args['auto'] or "" local seen = {} local _debug = false if not (link == '') then formula = formula .. "[[" .. link .. "|"; end -- wikilink start [[link| for t, x in item(f) do if _debug then formula = ("%s\n* %d %s"):format(formula, t, x) elseif t == T_ELEM then if (auto == '') or (not am[x]) or seen[x] then formula = formula .. x else formula = ("%s[[%s|%s]]"):format(formula, am[x], x); seen[x] = true end elseif t == T_COEFFICIENT then formula = formula .. x elseif t == T_NUM then formula = formula .. su("", x); elseif t == T_LINKOPEN then formula = formula .. x; -- [[Link| elseif t == T_OPEN then formula = formula .. x; -- ([{ elseif t == T_CLOSE then formula = formula .. x; -- )]} elseif t == T_PM_CHARGE then formula = formula .. su(x:gsub("-", "−"), ""); elseif t == T_SUF_CHARGE then formula = formula .. su(x:match("[+-]"):gsub("-", "−"), x:match("%d+"), ""); elseif t == T_SUF_CHARGE2 then formula = formula .. su(x:match("%(%d*[+-]"):gsub("-", "−"):sub(2, -1), x:match("%d+")) elseif t == T_CHARGE then formula = formula .. "<sup>" if x:match("%d+") then formula = formula .. x:match("%d+"); end formula = formula .. x:match("[%+-]"):gsub("-", "−") .. "</sup>"; -- Cannot concatenat a nil value from x:match("%d+"); elseif t == T_CRYSTAL then formula = formula .. DotIt() .. string.gsub( x, "*", '', 1 ); elseif t == T_SPECIAL then parameter = x:sub(2, 2) -- x fra \x if parameter == "s" then formula = formula .. "−" -- single bond elseif parameter == "d" then formula = formula .. "=" -- double bond elseif parameter == "t" then formula = formula .. "≡" -- tripple bond elseif parameter == "q" then formula = formula .. "≣" -- Quadruple bond elseif parameter == "h" then formula = formula .. "η" -- η, hapticity elseif parameter == "*" then formula = formula .. "*" -- *, normal * elseif parameter == "-" then formula = formula .. "-" -- - elseif parameter == "\\" then formula = formula .. "\\" -- \ elseif parameter == "\'" then formula = formula .. "'" -- html-code for ' end elseif t == T_SPECIAL2 then -- \y{x} parameter = x:sub(2, 2) -- y fra \y{x} if parameter == "h" then --[[Hapticity]] if (auto == '') then formula = formula .. "η<sup>" .. x:match('%d+') .. "</sup>-" else formula = formula .. "[[Hapticity|η<sup>" .. x:match('%d+') .. "</sup>]]-" end elseif parameter == "m" then formula = formula .. "μ<sub>" .. x:match('%d+') .. "</sub>-" -- mu ([[bridging ligand]]) end elseif t == T_WATER then if x:match("^%*[%d.]") then formula = formula .. DotIt() .. x:match("%f[%.%d]%d*%.?%d*%f[^%.%d%]]") .. "H<sub>2</sub>O"; else formula = formula .. DotIt() .. "H<sub>2</sub>O"; end elseif t == T_UNDERSCORE then formula = formula .. su("", x:gsub("-", "−"):sub(3, -2)) -- x contains _{string} elseif t == T_CARET then formula = formula .. su(x:gsub("-", "−"):sub(3, -2), "") -- x contains ^{string} elseif t == T_ARROW_R then formula = formula .. " → " elseif t == T_ARROW_EQ then formula = formula .. " ⇌ " elseif t == T_NOCHANGE then formula = formula .. x; -- The rest - everything which isn't captured by the regular expresions. else error('unreachable - ???') end -- in fact, unreachable end if not (link == nil or link == '') then formula = formula .. "]]"; end -- wikilink closing ]] formula = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('<templatestyles src="Module:Chem2/styles.css"/>') .. '<span class="chemf nowrap">' .. formula .. '</span>' if args[2] or args[3] or args[4] then formula = formula .. require('Module:If preview')._warning{ '{{chem2}} was called with multiple positional arguments. It should have just one, e.g. {{chem2|H2O}}.' } end return formula end function p.chem(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._chem(args) end -- PRIVATE function to generate documentation. function p._autodoc(frame) local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools') -- we don't want to load this on articles for no reason local result = { '===Elements and element-style symbols===\nThese may be automatically linked or used as if they were redirects.\n', '{| class="wikitable"\n! Symbol !! Link target\n' } for symbol, target in TableTools.sortedPairs(am) do result[#result + 1] = ('|-\n| %s || [[%s]]\n'):format(symbol, target) end result[#result + 1] = '|}\n===Groups===\nThese must be linked manually; they work as if they were redirects.\n' result[#result + 1] = '{| class="wikitable"\n! Symbol !! Link target\n' for symbol, target in TableTools.sortedPairs(groups) do result[#result + 1] = ('|-\n| %s || [[%s]]\n'):format(symbol, target) end result[#result + 1] = '|}' return table.concat(result) end return p