Module:College color
From KYNNpedia
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:College color/doc
-- -- This module implements {{CollegePrimaryHex}}, {{CollegePrimaryStyle}}, -- {{CollegePrimaryColorLink}}, {{CollegeSecondaryHex}}, -- {{CollegeSecondaryStyle}}, {{CollegeSecondaryColorLink}}, and {{NCAA color}} -- local p = {} local data_module = "Module:College color/data" local function stripwhitespace(text) return text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") end local function ucfirst(s) local first = s:sub(1, 1) local others = s:sub(2, -1) return first:upper() .. others end local function bordercss(c, w) local s = 'inset ' .. w .. 'px ' .. w .. 'px 0 ' .. c .. ', inset -' .. w .. 'px -' .. w .. 'px 0 ' .. c return 'box-shadow: ' .. s .. ';' end local function sRGB ( v ) if (v <= 0.03928) then v = v / 12.92 else v = math.pow((v+0.055)/1.055, 2.4) end return v end local function color2lum( origc ) local c = stripwhitespace(origc or ''):lower() -- remove leading # (if there is one) c = mw.ustring.match(c, '^[#]*([a-f0-9]*)$') -- split into rgb local cs = mw.text.split(c or '', '') if( #cs == 6 ) then local R = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]))/255 ) local G = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[4]))/255 ) local B = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[5]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[6]))/255 ) return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B elseif ( #cs == 3 ) then local R = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]))/255 ) local G = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]))/255 ) local B = sRGB( (16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]))/255 ) return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B end -- failure error('Invalid hex color ' .. origc, 2) end local function remove_sport(team) team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, "%s*<[Bb][Rr][^<>]*>%s*", ' '); team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Tt]eam$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Bb]asketball$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Bb]aseball$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Cc]ross [Cc]ountry$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ff]ield [Hh]ockey$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ff]ootball$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Gg]olf$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Gg]ymnastics$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ii]ce [Hh]ockey$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ll]acrosse$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Rr]owing$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ss]ki$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ss]occer$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ss]oftball$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ss]wim$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Tt]ennis$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Tt]rack [Aa]nd [Ff]ield$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Vv]olleyball$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ww]restling$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Ww]omen's$", '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, " [Mm]en's$", '') return team end local function get_colors(team, unknown) team = stripwhitespace(team or '') unknown = unknown or {"DCDCDC", "000000"} local use_default = { [""] = 1, ["retired"] = 1, ["free agent"] = 1, } local colors = nil if ( team and use_default[team:lower()] ) then colors = {"DCDCDC", "000000"} else local all_colors = mw.loadData(data_module) colors = all_colors[team] if ( colors and type(colors) == 'string' ) then colors = all_colors[colors] end end return colors or unknown end local function team_color(team, num, num2) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) num = tonumber(num:match('[1-3]') or '0') num2 = tonumber(num2:match('[1-3]') or '0') if ( num ) then return colors[num] or colors[num2] or '' else return '' end end local function team_style1(team, borderwidth, fontcolor) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) local color = '#' .. (colors[3] or colors[2] or '') if fontcolor and fontcolor == 'auto' then -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(colors[1] or '') -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '#000000' else fontcolor = '#FFFFFF' end end local style = 'background-color:#' .. (colors[1] or '') .. ';color:' .. (fontcolor or color) .. ';' -- remove the border if it's nearly white if ((1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(color) + 0.05) < 1.25) then borderwidth = '0' end borderwidth = tonumber(borderwidth or '2') or 0 if (borderwidth > 0 and color ~= '#FFFFFF') then style = style .. bordercss(color, borderwidth) end return style end local function team_style2(team, borderwidth, fontcolor) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) local color = '#' .. (colors[1] or '') if fontcolor and fontcolor == 'auto' then -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(colors[3] or colors[2] or '') -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '#000000' else fontcolor = '#FFFFFF' end end local style = 'background-color:#' .. (colors[3] or colors[2] or '') .. ';color:' .. (fontcolor or color) .. ';' -- remove the border if it's nearly white if ((1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(color) + 0.05) < 1.25) then borderwidth = '0' end borderwidth = tonumber(borderwidth or '2') or 0 if (borderwidth > 0 and color ~= '#FFFFFF') then style = style .. bordercss(color, borderwidth) end return style end local function team_header1(team, borderwidth) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) -- set the default background local background = (colors[1] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() -- set background to white if it's nearly white if ((1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(background) + 0.05) < 1.25) then background = 'FFFFFF' end -- now pick a font color local fontcolor = '000000' -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(background) -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '000000' else fontcolor = 'FFFFFF' end local style if( background == 'FFFFFF' ) then style = 'background-color:none;color:#' .. fontcolor .. ';' else style = 'background-color:#' .. background .. ';color:#' .. fontcolor .. ';' end if borderwidth then borderwidth = tonumber(borderwidth or '2') or 0 local bordercolor = (colors[3] or colors[2] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() if (borderwidth > 0 and bordercolor ~= 'FFFFFF') then -- do not add a border if it's nearly white if ((1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(bordercolor) + 0.05) >= 1.25) then style = style .. bordercss('#' .. bordercolor, borderwidth) end end end return style end local function team_header2(team) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) -- set the default background local background = (colors[3] or colors[2] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() -- set background to white if it's nearly white if ((1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(background) + 0.05) < 1.25) then background = 'FFFFFF' end -- if the background is white, then use the primary background instead if( background == 'FFFFFF' ) then background = (colors[1] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() end -- now pick a font color local fontcolor = '000000' -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(background) -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '000000' else fontcolor = 'FFFFFF' end if( background == 'FFFFFF' ) then return 'background-color:none;color:#' .. fontcolor .. ';' else return 'background-color:#' .. background .. ';color:#' .. fontcolor .. ';' end end local function team_table_head(args, team, ctype) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) local borderwidth = tonumber(args['border']) or 0 -- set the default background local background = (ctype == 'p') and (colors[1] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() or (colors[3] or colors[2] or 'FFFFFF'):upper() -- now pick a font color local fontcolor = '' -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(background) -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '#000000' else fontcolor = '#FFFFFF' end local s = 'background-color:#' .. background .. ';color:' .. (args['color'] or fontcolor) .. ';' if borderwidth > 0 then local bc = (ctype == 'p') and (colors[3] or colors[2] or '') or (colors[1] or '') if bc ~= 'FFFFFF' then s = s .. bordercss('#' .. bc, borderwidth) end end local res = '|-\n' for i=1,50 do if( args[i] ~= nil ) then local cstyle = 'scope="col" style="' .. s .. '"' if args['col' .. i .. 'span'] ~= nil then cstyle = cstyle .. ' colspan=' .. args['col' .. i .. 'span'] end if args['class' .. i ] ~= nil then cstyle = cstyle .. ' class="' .. args['class' .. i] .. '"' end res = res .. '! ' .. cstyle .. ' |' .. args[i] .. '\n' else return res .. '|-\n' end end return res .. '<span class="error">Error!</span>\n|-\n' end local function team_stripe1(team, borderwidth) local colors = get_colors(team, nil) -- set the default scheme local background = colors[1] or '' local fontcolor = colors[2] or '' local bordercolor = (colors[3] or colors[2] or ''):upper() borderwidth = tonumber(borderwidth or '3') or 0 -- if there is no tertiary color, then pick a font color if (colors[3] == nil) then -- compute the luminosity of the background local lum = color2lum(colors[1]) -- compute the contrast with white and black local wcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(lum + 0.05) local bcontrast = (lum + 0.05)/(0 + 0.05) -- select the text color with the best contrast if( bcontrast > wcontrast + 1.25 ) then fontcolor = '000000' else fontcolor = 'FFFFFF' end end -- finally build the style string local style = '' if (borderwidth > 0) then -- use the primary as the border if the border is white or close to white local bordercontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(bordercolor) + 0.05) if (bordercontrast < 1.25) then bordercolor = background local fontcontrast = (1 + 0.05)/(color2lum(colors[2] or 'FFFFFF') + 0.05) if (fontcontrast < 1.25) then fontcolor = colors[2] or 'FFFFFF' end end style = style .. ' border:' .. borderwidth .. 'px solid #' .. bordercolor .. ';' style = style .. ' border-left: none; border-right: none;' style = style .. ' box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 #FEFEFE, inset 0 -2px 0 #FEFEFE;' end style = 'background-color:#' .. background .. ';color:#' .. fontcolor .. ';' .. style return style end local function team_boxes(frame, team, order, sep) local function colorbox( h ) local r = mw.html.create('') r:tag('span') :addClass('legend-color') :css('background-color', '#' .. (h or '')) :wikitext(' ') return tostring(r) end local colors = get_colors(team, 'unknown') if type(colors) ~= 'table' then return '' end local colorboxes = {} local colororder = {'1','2','3','4','5'} local namecheck = 0 if order == '' then order = colors['order'] or '' namecheck = 1 end if order ~= '' then colororder = mw.text.split(order, '') end for k,v in pairs(colororder) do local i = tonumber(v) or 0 if( namecheck == 0 or colors['name' .. i]) then if colors[i] then table.insert(colorboxes,colorbox(colors[i])) end end end if (#colorboxes > 0) then return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Legend/styles.css'} } .. table.concat(colorboxes, sep) end return '' end local function team_list(frame, team, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, sep) local function colorbox( h ) local r = mw.html.create('') r:tag('span') :addClass('legend-color') :css('background-color', '#' .. (h or '')) :wikitext(' ') return tostring(r) end local colors = get_colors(team, 'unknown') if type(colors) ~= 'table' then return '' end local nums = { tonumber(num1:match('[1-5]') or '0') or 0, tonumber(num2:match('[1-5]') or '0') or 0, tonumber(num3:match('[1-5]') or '0') or 0, tonumber(num4:match('[1-5]') or '0') or 0, tonumber(num5:match('[1-5]') or '0') or 0} local colorboxes = {} local colornames = {} local colororder = {'1','2','3','4','5'} local order = colors['order'] or '' if(order ~= '') then colororder = mw.text.split(order, '') end for k,v in pairs(colororder) do local i = tonumber(v) or 0 if ( nums[i] > 0 ) then if( colors['name' .. nums[i]]) then table.insert(colornames,colors['name' .. nums[i]]) table.insert(colorboxes,colorbox(colors[nums[i]] or '')) end end end local res = '' if (#colornames > 0) then colornames[1] = ucfirst(colornames[1]) end res = mw.text.listToText( colornames, ', ', #colornames == 2 and ' and ' or ', and ' ) if (colors['cite']) then res = res .. frame:preprocess('<ref>' .. colors['cite'] .. '</ref>') end if (colors['ref']) then res = res .. '[' .. colors['ref'] .. ']' end if (colors['ref2']) then res = res .. '[' .. colors['ref2'] .. ']' end if (#colornames > 0) then res = res .. sep end if (#colorboxes > 0) then res = res .. frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Legend/styles.css'} } res = res .. table.concat(colorboxes, ' ') end return res end local function team_check(team, unknown) local colors = get_colors(team, unknown) if type(colors) == 'table' then return 'known' else return unknown end end function p.color(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_color(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args[2] or '', args[3] or '') end function p.color1(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_color(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), '1', '') end function p.color32(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_color(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), '3', '2') end function p.style1(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_style1(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args['border'], args['color']) end function p.style2(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_style2(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args['border'], args['color']) end function p.header1(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_header1(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args['border']) end function p.header2(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_header2(remove_sport(args[1] or '')) end function p.tablehead1(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_table_head(args, remove_sport(args['team'] or ''), 'p') end function p.tablehead2(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_table_head(args, remove_sport(args['team'] or ''), 's') end function p.stripe1(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_stripe1(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args['border']) end function p.boxes(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_boxes(frame, remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args['order'] or '', args['sep'] or ' ') end function p.list(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_list(frame, remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args[2] or '1', args[3] or '2', args[4] or '3', args[5] or '4', args[6] or '5', args['sep'] or '') end function p.check(frame) local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args return team_check(remove_sport(args[1] or ''), args[2] or '') end function p.check_data() -- In a sandbox, preview {{#invoke:college color|check_data}} local results = {'Problems in [[Module:College color/data]]:'} local function problems(msg) if msg then table.insert(results, msg) elseif results[2] then return table.concat(results, '\n*') else return 'No problems detected.' end end local data = require(data_module) local keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(data) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local val = data[key] if not (type(key) == 'string' and (type(val) == 'table' or type(val) == 'string')) then problems('Invalid type for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end if type(val) == 'table' then if not (2 <= #val and #val <= 4) then problems('Invalid number of numbered parameters for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end for i, v in ipairs(val) do if not tostring(v):match('^%x%x%x%x%x%x$') then problems('Parameter [' .. i .. '] should be a 6-hex-digit color but is "' .. tostring(v) .. '" for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end end for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(k) == 'number' then if not (1 <= k and k <= 4) then problems('Invalid numbered parameter for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end elseif type(k) == 'string' then if not ( k:match('^name[1-4]$') or k:match('^cite2?$') or k:match('^order$') ) then problems('Unexpected key in table for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end else problems('Invalid key type in table for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end end elseif data[val] == nil then problems('Undefined alias for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') elseif type(data[val]) ~= 'table' then problems('Alias is not a table for "' .. tostring(key) .. '"') end end return problems() end function p.testtable(frame) local contrasttable_mod = require("Module:College color/contrast") return contrasttable_mod._testtable(frame.args) end return p