Template:Solar System
File:Solar System Template 2.png|alt=The Sun, the planets, their moons, and several trans-Neptunian objects
rect 0 0 90 35 The Sun
circle 112 18 6 Mercury
circle 153 18 8 Venus
circle 204 10 4 The Moon circle 195 18 8 Earth
circle 233 18 8 Mars circle 241 13 3 Phobos and Deimos
circle 271 18 5 Ceres rect 256 0 288 35 The main asteroid belt
circle 316 19 15 Jupiter circle 329 6 6 Moons of Jupiter rect 298 18 335 20 Rings of Jupiter
circle 372 18 12 Saturn circle 381 7 6 Moons of Saturn rect 353 5 389 31 Rings of Saturn
circle 418 18 12 Uranus circle 427 10 6 Moons of Uranus rect 408 4 429 34 Rings of Uranus
circle 462 18 12 Neptune circle 471 10 5 Moons of Neptune rect 441 9 485 28 Rings of Neptune
circle 504 18 12 Pluto circle 510 13 8 Moons of Pluto
circle 534 18 12 Haumea circle 540 13 8 Moons of Haumea
circle 567 18 12 Makemake circle 571 13 8 S/2015 (136472) 1 rect 490 0 580 35 The Kuiper Belt
circle 596 18 12 Eris circle 602 13 8 Dysnomia rect 581 0 610 35 The Scattered Disc rect 623 0 640 35 The Hills Cloud rect 641 0 666 35 The Oort Cloud desc none
</imagemap> | |
Solar System → Local Interstellar Cloud → Local Bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → Milky Way → Milky Way subgroup → Local Group → Local Sheet → Virgo Supercluster → Laniakea Supercluster → Local Hole → Observable universe → Universe |